GripLocsgeissler2024-04-04T13:18:52+00:00 GripLoc 一个之前通过液压扩大的外壳在撤去液压后将产生径向收缩。在此过程中,它将对两个需要接合的轴接头施加压力。GripLoc可实现快速张紧和快速松开。可以将各种特性的SCHAAF GripLoc进行任意组合。例如,可以通过SafeLoc机构将GripLoc 集成到可拆卸液压螺帽中。这 样一来,就可以为不同的应用提供最佳解决方案。 GripLocRemovable two-piece Hydraulic Nutwith saw-tooth profile for quick-clamp connection. Optimum shaft and axle connectioneven in extremely limited space. Maximum torque transfer even when direction is changed abruptly.Protection capPressure distribution grooveson tapered surface for easy installation and removal even after years of service – reusability guaranteed.Radial pressure connectionInner tapered sleeveof tough, high tensile strength steel for maximum transfer of force.Removable SafeLocguarantees axial positioning security even when radial pressure is relieved.Saw-toothed quick clamp profile for quick mounting of SafeLoc elementOuter sleeve of high tensile steel with tapered inner boreis mounted without wear by widening with hydraulic pressure. 个性化的解决方案 GripLoc Shaft and axle connections for various applications 带导流罩的液压连轴器 轴与轴的连接,配导流罩 法兰式液压连轴器 带集成法兰元件的轴和轴连接 GripLoc 液压联轴器专用解决方案 轴与轴的连接,可为各种应用工况定制设计 新闻 联系方式 公司介绍