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Professional SCHAAF performance leads to follow-up orders

Already in February 2012, SCHAAF received the orders for the offshore converter platforms HelWin Alpha und BorWin Beta. Only one and a half years later, the first of both platforms was constructed, and even only nine months later the second.

The gained experience of these two projects by the 20 people team of SCHAAF Service, especially trained for these kinds of offshore operations, and the professional handling regarding these matters, lead to the logical consequence: even before both platforms were constructed, SCHAAF already received the first follow-up order for the SylWin platform in December 2012 – a clear confirmation for the satisfaction of the client.

Due to the continuous push to improvement of SCHAAF, the mountings will be performed with the in-house bolt tensioners. Therefore, even shorter mounting time and a more precise force transmission between legheads and the platform can be achieved.

The used SCHAAF products meet all offshore requirements and, in addition, are approved and certified by external classification societies.

Due to the current market positioning, SCHAAF is confident to act in this field in future, since SCHAAF is being considered for further platforms.

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