High-pressure Unitssgeissler2024-02-08T07:48:07+00:00 High-pressure Units Electrohydraulic High-pressure Units Pressure up to 4000 bar Electric and air driven pump units for workshops and field applications. 100% designed and produced by SCHAAF with optional software for documentation of the complete bolting process. HDE 3000-BK Electrohydraulic high-pressure unit for up to 3000 bar in compact design HDE 4000 Electrohydraulic high-pressure pump unit for high flow rates and outputs up to 4000 bar MDS Mounting Documentation System for controlling and monitoring the axial hydraulic tightening process of bolts. MMDS Mobile Mounting Documentation System STG 4000-2K Electro-hydraulic dual-circuit high-pressure control and regulation system for fully automatic pressing and loosening of hubs on shafts FSE System for a non-positive connection between shaft and roller ring Air-Hydraulic Pumps up to 4000 bar Air-Hydraulic Pumps that are coordinated best with our high pressure tools. HDL 1000-2500 / 1600-4000 Air-Hydraulic Pumps ready for immediate use at hydraulic pressures of 2500 to 4000 bar.