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Another laser marking system has successfully been put into operation

In the middle of the year 2017, SCHAAF successfully put another laser marking system into operation at their site in Erkelenz.

3 years ago SCHAAF in Erkelenz put the first laser marking system into operation and converted, up to this day, their entire product spectrum of conventional marking into marking with lasers. The results are far reaching advantages in legibility, recognition and a perfection of product appearance. Furthermore, labelling with information graphics and customers logos are possible.

The QR-code being another innovation, that has become a SCHAAF standard with laser marking. Every product receives a special QR-code that can be scanned with any smartphone. Thereupon the customer will be forwarded to the product support page, at which you can find and download infomation like drawings, documentations, certificates and inspection reports in different languages about the present product. Furthermore, an animation that details the function of the product in a simple visual manner to the user, is linked.

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